LANGUAGE/!$%!% ERROR NOTE 2016. 2. 18. 11:44

///// Git (깃)

///// Could not read from remote repository.

ssh: Could not resolve hostname 192.168.100: Name or service not known

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights

and the repository exists.

///// 문제 (Problem)
원인은 모르겠으나
어느날 확인해보니 원격저장소(Remote Repository)의 위치가 이상하게 되어 있었다.

///// 해결 (Solution)
I seted my correct Remote Repository URL again (원격저장소의 위치를 다시 설정해주었다.)

1. Check Remote Repository (원격저장소 확인)
git remote -v

2. Set Remote Repository (원격저장소 위치 설정)
git remote set-url origin git@

///// 참조 (Reference)
Changing a remote's URL: